Council - Tuesday 8 October 2019, 10:00am - Surrey County Council Webcasts

Tuesday 8 October 2019 10.00am 









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  1. Chairman
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  1. Dr Andrew Povey
  2. Chairman
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  1. Camera 4 wide shot .
  2. Chairman
  3. Mr Mike Goodman
  4. Chairman
  5. Mr Mike Goodman
  6. Chairman
  7. Mr Mike Goodman
  8. Robert Evans OBE
  9. Chairman
  10. Mr Stephen Spence
  11. Chairman
  12. John O'Reilly
  13. Chairman
  14. Camera 4 wide shot .
  15. Jonathan Essex
  16. Camera 4 wide shot .
  17. Chairman
  18. Camera 4 wide shot .
  19. Robert Evans OBE
  20. Camera 4 wide shot .
  21. Chairman
  22. Camera 4 wide shot .
  23. Chairman
  24. Camera 4 wide shot .
  25. Chairman
  26. Camera 4 wide shot .
  27. Chairman
  28. Camera 4 wide shot .
  29. Chairman
  30. Camera 4 wide shot .
  31. Chairman
  32. Camera 4 wide shot .
  33. Chairman
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  1. Camera 4 wide shot .
  2. Chairman
  3. Nick Darby
  4. Chairman
  5. Mr Chris Botten
  6. Chairman
  7. Camera 4 wide shot .
  8. Jonathan Essex
  9. Camera 4 wide shot .
  10. Chairman
  11. Camera 4 wide shot .
  12. Mr Stephen Spence
  13. Chairman
  14. Cllr Chris Townsend
  15. Camera 4 wide shot .
  16. Chairman
  17. Camera 4 wide shot .
  18. Bernie Muir
  19. Chairman
  20. Camera 4 wide shot .
  21. Chairman
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  1. Cllr Chris Townsend
  2. Chairman
  3. Camera 4 wide shot .
  4. Chairman
  5. Mr Jeff Harris
  6. Chairman
  7. Mr Jeff Harris
  8. Chairman
  9. Mr Jeff Harris
  10. Dr Andrew Povey
  11. Chairman
  12. Denise Turner-Stewart
  13. Chairman
  14. Camera 4 wide shot .
  15. Mr Stephen Spence
  16. Eber Kington
  17. Mr Stephen Spence
  18. Chairman
  19. Mr Stephen Spence
  20. Jonathan Essex
  21. Camera 4 wide shot .
  22. Chairman
  23. Camera 4 wide shot .
  24. Chairman
  25. Camera 4 wide shot .
  26. Mrs Julie Iles OBE
  27. Chairman
  28. Camera 4 wide shot .
  29. David Harmer
  30. Chairman
  31. Eber Kington
  32. Chairman
  33. Camera 4 wide shot .
  34. Camera 4 wide shot .
  35. Matt Furniss
  36. Chairman
  37. Mr Stephen Spence
  38. Chairman
  39. Nick Darby
  40. Chairman
  41. Camera 4 wide shot .
  42. Jan Mason
  43. Chairman
  44. Chairman
  45. Leader
  46. Camera 4 wide shot .
  47. Chairman
  48. Will Forster
  49. Chairman
  50. Leader
  51. Chairman
  52. Camera 4 wide shot .
  53. Andy MacLeod
  54. Camera 4 wide shot .
  55. Chairman
  56. Mr Mike Goodman
  57. Chairman
  58. Stephen Cooksey
  59. Chairman
  60. Mr Mel Few
  61. Chairman
  62. Mr Stephen Spence
  63. Denise Turner-Stewart
  64. Chairman
  65. Leader
  66. Chairman
  67. Leader
  68. Camera 4 wide shot .
  69. Chairman
  70. Will Forster
  71. Camera 4 wide shot .
  72. Chairman
  73. Camera 4 wide shot .
  74. Mr Stephen Spence
  75. Jonathan Essex
  76. Mr Stephen Spence
  77. Chairman
  78. Mr Stephen Spence
  79. Leader
  80. Chairman
  81. Chairman
  82. Will Forster
  83. Chairman
  84. Camera 4 wide shot .
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  1. Mr Chris Botten
  2. Chairman
  3. Camera 4 wide shot .
  4. Camera 4 wide shot .
  5. Chairman
  6. Mrs Victoria Young
  7. Chairman
  8. Camera 4 wide shot .
  9. Dr Andrew Povey
  10. Chairman
  11. Chairman
  12. Camera 4 wide shot .
  13. Camera 4 wide shot .
  14. Chairman
  15. Robert Evans OBE
  16. Chairman
  17. Jonathan Essex
  18. Chairman
  19. Matt Furniss
  20. Chairman
  21. Matt Furniss
  22. John O'Reilly
  23. Chairman
  24. Camera 4 wide shot .
  25. Vice Chairman
  26. Chairman
  27. Eber Kington
  28. Chairman
  29. Will Forster
  30. Camera 4 wide shot .
  31. Chairman
  32. Camera 4 wide shot .
  33. Mr David Mansfield
  34. Camera 4 wide shot .
  35. Chairman
  36. Mr Chris Botten
  37. Chairman
  38. Camera 4 wide shot .
  39. Chairman
  40. Camera 4 wide shot .
  41. Robert Evans OBE
  42. Chairman
  43. Robert Evans OBE
  44. Chairman
  45. Camera 4 wide shot .
  46. Camera 4 wide shot .
  47. Mr Chris Botten
  48. Chairman
  49. Leader
  50. Chairman
  51. Camera 4 wide shot .
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  1. Chairman
  2. Leader
  3. Chairman
  4. Leader
  5. Chairman
  6. Jonathan Essex
  7. Camera 4 wide shot .
  8. Chairman
  9. Robert Evans OBE
  10. Chairman
  11. Camera 4 wide shot .
  12. Camera 4 wide shot .
  13. Chairman
  14. Tim Hall
  15. Chairman
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  1. Camera 4 wide shot .
  2. Leader
  3. Chairman
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  1. Leader
  2. Camera 4 wide shot .
  3. Chairman
  4. Jan Mason
  5. Chairman
  6. Jan Mason
  7. Chairman
Share this agenda point
  1. Leader
  2. Chairman
  3. Camera 4 wide shot .
  4. Mr Stephen Spence
  5. Chairman
  6. Mr Stephen Spence
  7. Leader
  8. Chairman
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  1. Leader
  2. Camera 4 wide shot .
  3. Chairman
Share this agenda point
  1. Leader
  2. Camera 4 wide shot .
  3. Chairman
  4. Camera 4 wide shot .
  5. Robert Evans OBE
  6. Camera 4 wide shot .
  7. Leader
  8. Camera 4 wide shot .
  9. Chairman
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  1. Camera 4 wide shot .
  2. Webcast Finished
Photograph of  Nick Darby
Surrey County Councillor
Dittons and Weston Green Residents
Photograph of  Mr Mel Few
Surrey County Councillor
Photograph of  Will Forster
Surrey County Councillor
Liberal Democrats
Photograph of  Tim Hall
Surrey County Councillor
Photograph of  Eber Kington
Surrey County Councillor
Residents Association
Photograph of  Jan Mason
Surrey County Councillor
Residents Association