Council - Tuesday 6 February 2024, 10:00am - Resources Tab - Start video at 3:31:15 - Surrey County Council Webcasts

Tuesday 6 February 2024 10.00am 









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  1. Cllr Saj Hussain
  2. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  3. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Saj Hussain
  2. Cllr Rachael Lake
  3. Cllr Saj Hussain
  4. Cllr Keith Witham
  5. Cllr Saj Hussain
  6. Cllr Bernie Muir
  7. Cllr Saj Hussain
  8. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Rachael Lake
  2. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Leader of the Council
  2. Cllr Saj Hussain
  3. Cllr Will Forster
  4. Cllr Saj Hussain
  5. Cllr Will Forster
  6. Cllr Catherine Powell
  7. Cllr Saj Hussain
  8. Cllr Catherine Powell
  9. Cllr Jonathan Essex
  10. Cllr Saj Hussain
  11. Cllr Robert Evans
  12. Cllr Robert Evans
  13. Cllr Saj Hussain
  14. Cllr Saj Hussain
  15. Cllr Catherine Powell
  16. Cllr Saj Hussain
  17. Cllr Jonathan Essex
  18. Cllr Saj Hussain
  19. Cllr Tim Oliver
  20. Cllr Saj Hussain
  21. Cllr Tim Oliver
  22. Cllr Saj Hussain
  23. Cllr John O'Reilly
  24. Cllr Saj Hussain
  25. Cllr Denise Turner-Stewart
  26. Cllr Saj Hussain
  27. Cllr Robert Evans
  28. Cllr Saj Hussain
  29. Cllr Robert Evans
  30. Cllr Saj Hussain
  31. Cllr Helyn Clack
  32. Cllr Saj Hussain
  33. Cllr David Lewis (Cobham)
  34. Cllr Saj Hussain
  35. Cllr David Lewis (Cobham)
  36. Cllr Saj Hussain
  37. Cllr David Lewis (Cobham)
  38. Cllr Saj Hussain
  39. Cllr David Lewis (Cobham)
  40. Cllr Will Forster
  41. Cllr Saj Hussain
  42. Cllr Will Forster
  43. Cllr Saj Hussain
  44. Cllr Will Forster
  45. Cllr Saj Hussain
  46. Cllr Saj Hussain
  47. Cllr George Potter
  48. Cllr Saj Hussain
  49. Cllr George Potter
  50. Cllr Chris Townsend
  51. Cllr Saj Hussain
  52. Cllr Paul Deach
  53. Cllr Robert Evans
  54. Cllr Saj Hussain
  55. Cllr Saj Hussain
  56. Cllr Paul Deach
  57. Cllr Saj Hussain
  58. Cllr Robert Hughes
  59. Cllr Saj Hussain
  60. Cllr George Potter
  61. Cllr Saj Hussain
  62. Cllr Trefor Hogg
  63. Cllr Saj Hussain
  64. Cllr Saj Hussain
  65. Cllr Fiona Davidson
  66. Cllr Saj Hussain
  67. Cllr Fiona Davidson
  68. Cllr Edward Hawkins
  69. Cllr Edward Hawkins
  70. Cllr Saj Hussain
  71. Cllr Rachael Lake
  72. Cllr Saj Hussain
  73. Cllr Andy Macleod
  74. Cllr Saj Hussain
  75. Cllr Andy Macleod
  76. Cllr Robert King
  77. Cllr Saj Hussain
  78. Cllr Saj Hussain
  79. Cllr Catherine Powell
  80. Cllr Saj Hussain
  81. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  82. Cllr Maureen Attewell
  83. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  84. Cllr Ayesha Azad
  85. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  86. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  87. Cllr Steve Bax
  88. Cllr Jordan Beech
  89. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  90. Cllr Saj Hussain
  91. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  92. Cllr George Potter
  93. Cllr Ayesha Azad
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  1. Cllr Saj Hussain
  2. Cllr David Lewis (Cobham)
  3. Cllr Saj Hussain
  4. Cllr David Lewis (Cobham)
  5. Cllr Clare Curran
  6. Cllr Saj Hussain
  7. Cllr Sinead Mooney
  8. Cllr Saj Hussain
  9. Cllr Denise Turner-Stewart
  10. Cllr Saj Hussain
  11. Cllr Denise Turner-Stewart
  12. Cllr Chris Townsend
  13. Cllr Tim Oliver
  14. Cllr Saj Hussain
  15. Cllr Chris Townsend
  16. Cllr Saj Hussain
  17. Cllr Chris Townsend
  18. Cllr Saj Hussain
  19. Cllr Michaela Martin
  20. Cllr Chris Townsend
  21. Cllr Saj Hussain
  22. Cllr Michaela Martin
  23. Cllr Saj Hussain
  24. Cllr Fiona Davidson
  25. Cllr Saj Hussain
  26. Cllr Rachael Lake
  27. Cllr Saj Hussain
  28. Cllr John O'Reilly
  29. Cllr Saj Hussain
  30. Cllr Andy Macleod
  31. Cllr Saj Hussain
  32. Cllr Andy Macleod
  33. Cllr Natalie Bramhall
  34. Cllr Saj Hussain
  35. Cllr Tim Oliver
  36. Cllr Saj Hussain
  37. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  38. Cllr Maureen Attewell
  39. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  40. Cllr Ayesha Azad
  41. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  42. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  43. Cllr Catherine Baart
  44. Cllr Steve Bax
  45. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  46. Cllr Luke Bennett
  47. Cllr Jordan Beech
  48. Cllr Luke Bennett
  49. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  50. Cllr Harry Boparai
  51. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  52. Cllr Natalie Bramhall
  53. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  54. Cllr Helyn Clack
  55. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  56. Cllr Stephen Cooksey
  57. Cllr Clare Curran
  58. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  59. Cllr Paul Deach
  60. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  61. Cllr Kevin Deanus
  62. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  63. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  64. Cllr Robert Evans
  65. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  66. Cllr Paul Follows
  67. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  68. Cllr Matt Furniss
  69. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  70. Cllr Angela Goodwin
  71. Cllr Jeffrey Gray
  72. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  73. Cllr Tim Hall
  74. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  75. Cllr Edward Hawkins
  76. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  77. Cllr Trefor Hogg
  78. Cllr Robert Hughes
  79. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  80. Cllr Saj Hussain
  81. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  82. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  83. Cllr Rebecca Jennings-Evans
  84. Cllr Frank Kelly
  85. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  86. Cllr Riasat Khan
  87. Cllr Robert King
  88. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  89. Cllr Cameron McIntosh
  90. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  91. Cllr Julia McShane
  92. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  93. Cllr Carla Morson
  94. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  95. Cllr Bernie Muir
  96. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  97. Cllr Mark Nuti
  98. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  99. Cllr Rebecca Paul
  100. Cllr George Potter
  101. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  102. Cllr Penny Rivers
  103. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  104. Cllr Lance Spencer
  105. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  106. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  107. Cllr Lesley Steeds
  108. Cllr Mark Sugden
  109. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  110. Cllr Richard Tear
  111. Cllr Ashley Tilling
  112. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  113. Cllr Liz Townsend
  114. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  115. Cllr Hazel Watson
  116. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  117. Cllr Jeremy Webster
  118. Cllr Buddhi Weerasinghe
  119. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  120. Cllr Fiona White
  121. Cllr Keith Witham
  122. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  123. Cllr Saj Hussain
  124. AD - Governance and Democratic Services Democratic Services
  125. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Saj Hussain
  2. Cllr Joanne Sexton
  3. Cllr Saj Hussain
  4. Cllr Saj Hussain
  5. Cllr Matt Furniss
  6. Cllr Saj Hussain
  7. Cllr Saj Hussain
  8. Cllr Will Forster
  9. Cllr Clare Curran
  10. Cllr Saj Hussain
  11. Cllr Hazel Watson
  12. Cllr Saj Hussain
  13. Cllr Matt Furniss
  14. Cllr Saj Hussain
  15. Cllr Stephen Cooksey
  16. Cllr Saj Hussain
  17. Cllr Chris Townsend
  18. Cllr Saj Hussain
  19. Cllr Matt Furniss
  20. Cllr Saj Hussain
  21. Cllr Jonathan Essex
  22. Cllr Saj Hussain
  23. Cllr Tim Oliver
  24. Cllr Mark Nuti
  25. Cllr Saj Hussain
  26. Cllr Catherine Baart
  27. Cllr Saj Hussain
  28. Cllr Matt Furniss
  29. Cllr Saj Hussain
  30. Cllr Catherine Powell
  31. Cllr Saj Hussain
  32. Cllr Steven McCormick
  33. Cllr Saj Hussain
  34. Cllr Clare Curran
  35. Cllr Saj Hussain
  36. Cllr Robert Evans
  37. Cllr Saj Hussain
  38. Cllr Clare Curran
  39. Cllr Saj Hussain
  40. Cllr Catherine Powell
  41. Cllr Saj Hussain
  42. Cllr Clare Curran
  43. Cllr Saj Hussain
  44. Cllr Michaela Martin
  45. Cllr Clare Curran
  46. Cllr Saj Hussain
  47. Cllr Robert Evans
  48. Cllr Saj Hussain
  49. Cllr John O'Reilly
  50. Cllr Mark Sugden
  51. Cllr Saj Hussain
  52. Cllr Matt Furniss
  53. Cllr Saj Hussain
  54. Cllr Catherine Powell
  55. Cllr Saj Hussain
  56. Cllr Edward Hawkins
  57. Cllr Matt Furniss
  58. Cllr Saj Hussain
  59. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Rachael Lake
  2. Cllr Saj Hussain
  3. Cllr Maureen Attewell
  4. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Maureen Attewell
  2. Cllr Tim Oliver
  3. Cllr Saj Hussain
  4. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Tim Oliver
  2. Cllr Saj Hussain
  3. Cllr George Potter
  4. Cllr Saj Hussain
  5. Cllr Tim Oliver
  6. Cllr George Potter
  7. Cllr Saj Hussain
  8. Cllr George Potter
  9. Cllr George Potter
  10. Cllr Saj Hussain
  11. Cllr Saj Hussain
  12. Cllr George Potter
  13. Cllr Saj Hussain
  14. Cllr George Potter
  15. Cllr Tim Oliver
  16. Cllr Saj Hussain
  17. Cllr Saj Hussain
  18. Cllr Tim Oliver
  19. Cllr Saj Hussain
  20. Cllr Saj Hussain
  21. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Tim Oliver
  2. Cllr Saj Hussain
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  1. Cllr Saj Hussain